Public Address and Emergency Paging Systems

Clear and reliable communication systems tailored to the unique demands of Alabama businesses.

Get Started

Can your building PA system reach your workers over the noise of your workplace?

From office buildings to warehouses to industrial facilities, having reliable paging systems, intercom speaker systems, and PA systems that keep your workers alert and aware at all times makes all the difference—from supporting the needs of your customers and clients to responding to urgent situations in your workplace. What if your workers can’t hear them?

Make sure your message comes through loud and clear with reliable business, industrial, and warehouse PA systems.

We put state-of-the-art PA systems at your fingertips.

Every building has its own size and shape—and every public access system, especially in industrial facilities and warehouses, has to fit those shapes to get your message heard. We lead the way in designing automated PA systems for industrial facilities and warehouses, paging systems for businesses, intercom speaker systems, and everything in between—whatever it takes to get your message out immediately without fail.

Automated PA Systems

Augment your workplace with PA automation solutions for business and industrial properties. Our high-tech public address equipment solutions save time and deliver consistent messaging on schedule with user-friendly remote management capabilities.

Emergency Notification Systems

We help you build PA systems for businesses to ensure instantaneous communication in an emergency. Deliver urgent messages across large facilities through multiple communication channels with intercom and pager systems tailor-made for reliability and regulatory compliance.

Industrial and Warehouse PA Systems

Industrial and warehouse facilities contend with background noise that can make it difficult for important messages to reach your workers’ ears. We design customized building PA systems using cutting-edge AV technology known for its clarity, reach, and reliability in industrial settings.

Commercial PA System in Alabama

PA System Support for Businesses of All Shapes and Sizes

Every business and every building in Alabama has its own unique needs for effective intercom speaker systems and emergency paging systems.

Whether your business is in one building or has warehouse facilities spread out across multiple sites, our team of expert contractors can design paging systems for businesses and industrial PA systems that keep every part of your organization on the same page, rain or shine.

Build a PA System for Your Business Backed by High-Level AV Proficiency

We ensure Alabama businesses and industrial facilities the reliable, affordable public address systems they need to take advantage of the cutting edge in automation, reliability, coverage, and scalability in their building PA systems.

Our services are backed by a team of technicians with extensive industry certifications, manufacturers’ training, and experience with InfoComm and NSCA-approved programs to ensure state-of-the-art PA systems that work.

Broadcasting Speaker for Emergency Paging System
Commercial megaphone as part of Public Address system

An Installation Process That Works for You

We use a proven process to make working with us and getting the exact building PA system you need simple and easy. We start with an onsite analysis to determine your requirements and budget and end with fully installed intercom speaker systems, emergency paging systems, and automated PA systems tailored to your business.

Our start-to-finish integration includes training for your staff and comprehensive tech support and service from our team.

FAQ for Public Address
and Emergency Paging Systems

Our PA systems are designed with cutting-edge AV technology to ensure clarity, reach, and reliability, even in the noisiest industrial and warehouse settings, ensuring your messages reach every corner.

Our solutions are fully customizable to fit the unique size and shape of your building, providing tailored communication paths that meet your specific needs, from automated PA systems to emergency paging.

Absolutely. We offer automated PA system solutions that save time and deliver consistent messaging on schedule, all manageable remotely for ease of use and efficiency.

Our emergency paging systems are designed to ensure instantaneous, reliable communication across large facilities and comply with regulatory standards for safety and efficiency.

Integrating multiple communication channels and tailoring systems to your facility’s acoustics ensures urgent messages are delivered promptly and clearly, regardless of your facility’s layout or ambient noise levels.

Real Stories,
Real Successes

Explore firsthand the experiences of our satisfied customers and the difference working with an AV company that places your needs first can make.


Keep up with the latest news and expert insights from the Moffitt Technology team.

Broadcast Your Message Clearly

Schedule a consultation with the Moffitt team to see how we can customize the ideal paging and PA system for your environment, ensuring your messages are always heard, no matter the noise.