The World and Moffitt Move On

Recently, I had time to pause and examine the changes going on in the marketplace and the impact that it would have on Moffitt Technology. Indeed, the world of audio, video and security is changing faster than any time in history. Several megatrends have begun to emerge that will disrupt the traditional market channels and have every business owner questioning what changes should be made to stay competitive.

Moffitt Technology, like all businesses, works to stay on the leading edge of these trends. With initiatives like our new web site, emails and this blog, we strive to keep our customers informed, engaged and aware of these changes and potential impacts. Some of these trends are:

  • Wired to wireless
  • Analog to digital signals
  • Traditional audio visual systems to network audio/video
  • Independent devices to internet of things

As much as all of us work to integrate these changes into our workplaces there are other things that never need to change. These involve the relationship between technology provider and customer. At Moffitt Technology there are a few standards we cling to and they include:

  • Honest communication with customers
  • An obligation to educate on cost/benefit analysis
  • The best customer service in our marketplace
  • A commitment to train and support our employees and our customers

As part of our efforts to promote topics in audio, video and security, I will contribute to this blog and in doing so I hope to pass along some useful information. I hope you will tune in to keep up. In the meantime, check out our new website and send any feedback or question you may have to [email protected]. And, contact us if you’d like some advice about selecting  equipment, staying on budget, avoiding pitfalls, and generally getting good advice to help you nail your project.

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